Ttd Bhagavatam

Potana’s best work Sri Telugu Bhagavatam consist of poems in Telugu. also it contains all word to word meanings (Pratipadhardhamlu) for all the poems. Potana ( – ) translated Bhagavata Purana from Sanskrit into Telugu. That book has been digitized by. POTHANA TELUGU BHAGAVATHAM. A comprehensive Volumetric Analysys. INTRODUCTION. Welcome. Hearty welcome to taste the sweet Bhagavatha.

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Retrieved from ” https: Sankaracharya Charitra 12 parts. Maharudra Swarupam 1 part. He was a Telugu and Sanskrit Scholar. Mooka Pancha Sathi 48 parts. So he paused the writing at that point, and went to farm he was a cultivator by profession.

Free down load of pothana bhagavatam on ttd website-eo by TTD News. General News Tirupati, 17 Apr. 17: The prestigious TTD publication, Sarala Vyakhyana Sahita Pothana Bhagavatham should be made available on TTD website for the sake of netizens to download for free, said TTD EO Dr D Sambasiva Rao. Sorted all episode number wise, some episode are missing and there are Episode 01, 14, 15, 44, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 87, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 10.

Ttd Bhagavatam

Telugu TTD Potana Bhagavatam Books Free Download PDF

His father was Kesanna and his mother Lakkamma. Sabha Parvamu 25 parts. He was bhayavatam fond of using rhythm and repetition of sounds giving a majestic grace to the style of writing. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Pothana.

Durga Vaibhavam 3 parts. If you are interested, please spend your valuable time on critical evaluation of the documents and highlight to me. In etlugu, Pothana himself ascribed in the following poem, the purpose of his writing the Bhagavatam:.

Having able to do the work using hard-copy version of Potana BhagavatamI dared to take up the Comprehensive Volumetric Analysis bhagavatm the great Purana, naming the same as Bhagavatam Gananopakhayanam telugu word for Volumetric Analysis.

Further optimization for faster poatna responsiveness. Such is the popularity of Pothana. He lived for sixty years. This page was last edited on 9 Decemberat He enquired his daughter about who wrote the other three lines. Dakshinamurthy Vaibhavam 10 parts.

So Pothana understood that Lord Sri Rama himself came and completed the verse. Pothana imparted the knowledge of the divine to the Telugu people along with lessons in ethics and politics through Andhra Maha Bhagavatamu. Views Read Edit View history.

There is yet another version about his birthplace. The Rachakonda kingdom was under intense turmoil at the time, under attack by the Bahamani’s from the west, Karanata Vijayanagar empire from the south and the Reddy Poatna from the east. It was common practice for bxmmera poets of the time to dedicate their devotional works to God himself and not necessarily to their patron-kings.

Ttd Potana Bhagavatam

The poem containing the derision against the ” Karanata Kiraata Keechakulu ” is a chatuvu apocryphal attributed to Pothana with no proof that he actually wrote it. At that auspicious moment, Supreme Lord Rama appeared dressed like a king and requested Pothana to translate Bhagavatam into Telugu Andhramu and dedicate it to Him. Later, Pothana became a devotee of Lord Rama and more interested in salvation.

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Applying fresh pair of eyes and professional knowledge can help to improve this work and enhance the accuracy level, for which I will be ever thankful.

Shiva Mahima 1 part. A pravachanam added to the collection Ashtamurthy Tatvamu. Adi Sankaracharya 5 parts. Potana Bhagavatamone of the excellent grandhas books rewritten in Telugu languagehas been a good source of knowledge for a long time. Let us stroll in the universe called Bhagavatham in search of path to the utmost reality called Mukthi marg.

Hanumad Vaibhavam 1 part. I have tried to avoid errors through 10 – 12 times of proof-reading.

Let us enjoy the mirth Paramaanandam in the Bhagavatamthat too, in our own mother toque Telugu. This verse is Prahlada ‘s reply to his father asking him to give up glorifying the One he hated bitterly, Sri Hari.

Vaggeyakara Vaibhavam 13 parts. Meenakshi Pancharatnamulu 5 parts.

Pothana – Wikipedia

A poem of Pothana unwilling to dedicate his works to local kings was inscribed on the pedastal of god Rama’s statue in the Kodanda Rama temple. All audio files on this site are highly compressed for faster downloads.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. It is known that Pothana was patronized by this king in his early career, Pothana dedicated his first great work to this king, the king himself was a scholar, his contemporary reputation was immense vide Srinatha’s poems. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


For example the wonderful stories of Gazendra mokham, Rukmini Kalyanam, Bali Chakarsvarthi kadha etc.

TTD Potana Bhagavatam Books Free Download PDF Telugu | Tirumala Tirupati Devastanams

Virata Parvamu 24 parts. Sri Mata Vaibhavam 6 parts. Sri Katyayani Vaibhavam 5 parts. The Volumetric Analysis entirely depends on the text of above Poems.

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Telugu TTD Potana Bhagavatam Books Free Download PDF. Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam has released Shri Bammera Potana Bhagavatam. Potana’s best work Sri Telugu Bhagavatam consist of poems in Telugu. also it contains all word to word meanings (Pratipadhardhamlu) for all the poems. Pothana Bhagavatham: Telugu script and audio. June 30, LINK TO POTHANABHAGAVATHAM: Hats off go the contributors for this.

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My view is it only a minor usage issue. Did you know you can edit the content of this page by clicking EasyEdit? Showing 2 of 2 threads for this page. Please do more like this. Add a New Page.

Word to word meaning for all poems 3. Read more about editing pages at WikiFoundry Central. Over poems of Bhagavatam in Telugu 2.

EasyEdit Edit tags what’s this? Potana’s best work Sri Telugu Bhagavatam consist of poems in Telugu. Share your feedback on WikiFoundry Central.

We too can pray like him. May 82: Since the school books hardly cover these stanzas school children are deprived of learning these stanzas. Our culture will get enriched with Bhakti.

Report page Share this. Home Potana Padyalu rendered in English by Dr. The Best part is every poem has a audio accompanied to it. The poet says he worships this child to get Moksha.

General Discussion General Discussion. The king failed in his attempts to get this work forcibly. The overall work and the benefits far outweigh these small things.

Bhakti flows through most of the stanzas.

Bhagavatam Animutyalu

This app is only available on the App Store for iOS devices. This stanza is the first one from Canto 1. Every human being has taken this form to achieve Moksha – liberation from the birth and death cyle. Here is an attempt to help the kids and interested elders to learn one stanza once in a while and to make the children around them iin interested in them.

Many of the Telugu knowing persons appreciate the sweetness in the poetry of Bammera Potana. My heartiest compliments to the bahgavatam and the persons who initiated the project. Entire Pothana Bhagavatham compiled and presented; with recitation, meaning word by word bhafavatam and telgu meaning thathparyam.

In the olden days some of the stanzas of Potana were recited as prayer stanzas in elementary schools. It is said that he refused to give away his work for any remuneration even to their king. In the application when we opened the any chapter and their is no option to go back to the home we have to come out of the app and we have to restart the app and go to the chapter.

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Pothana Bhagavatham : Telugu script and audio

The poet starts with a prayer to Lord Sri Krishna in the form of a child who was musing his mother Yasoda. Post a new thread.

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Telugu Stories for Kids. What are these tools? Bhakti gets imprinted in the tender minds. This version of Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Audios updated Missing poems updated Bug fixes.

bhhagavatam Play Audio for all the poems. An appeal to the readers is to organise recitation competitions in these stanzas amongst children of different age groups and make them explain each of them.

Ttd potana bhagavatam

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Do you find this valuable? Please try a current version of IE or Firefox. Oct 43: Excellent app which has been built with all chapters and clear explanation with Tika and Bhavam.

Srimad Bhagavatam Ttd

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